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Battlefield Bad Company 2

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Broj postova : 268
Join date : 2009-11-20
Age : 45
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Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Tue 09 Feb 2010, 09:15
Igrao BBC2, stvar je sljedeca, puno bolji od prenapuhanog MW2, AA ima
dusu ali nema podrsku, na zalost, sto se tice bete ima tu jos oHooOooHo
posla za ispeglat, polirat kako hocete, bugova ima no ne toliko da bi
mi nesto pretjerano smetali ipak je tu rijec o beti. Suma svih dojmova
je ta da cu si vjerovatno ubosti i ovo, tj. pre-orderat pa ako neko jos
bude igrao dodajte me kao buddy-a na EA sam kao i na AA3 HR_Fox.
Srdacan pozdrav svim Bitangama.
P.S. evo vam i jedan \"domaci klip\", malo sam snimao gameplay te okacio na youtubre, dakle HR_Fox kao n00b engineer Smile))

BBC2 insider Report. Evo nisam procitao temeljito ove gornje postove, pa da se malo osvrnem na samu igru, sto se tice tih motora i tenkova, vjeruj mi da si kao glineni golub, nije stvar u tome da skaces u neprijateljsku bazu ako je ekipa ( team ) dobro uigran nema sanse da se neko zavuce iza ledja kao sto je to eto meni poslo za rukom, jos je rana faza, na serverima se nadje kojekakav svat, ljudi masovno isprobavaju, pa se dogadjaju i takve stvari, cuj ipak igras sa kojekakvim random likovima pa ni nemos ocekivat nekakve rezultate, da su oni postavili obranu onako kak spada sigurno im nebi dosao s ledja. Druga stvar sto sam ja jos uvijek n00b, bez perkova itd pa im nisam presudio.
Inace ako se obrana dobro postavi motori lete u zrak sad pa sad, tenk je ok ali ima lijeka i za to od protutenkovskih mina, raznoraznih claymora do zolja, uostalom i obrana ima svoj tenk pa se baza moze obraniti i od obrane krenuti u kontru, pa ih odbaciti na spawn, helikopter je boze sacuvaj za upravljat, osobno sam skinuo jedan i osjecaj je fenomenalan, ako se po njima puca i ako se pazi na takve stvari oni de fakto stalno moraju manevrirati pa su donekle neupotrebljivi ili im se u krajnjem slucaju da ograniciti efikasnost i smanjiti vatrena moc mada uvijek postoje razne taktike i takticke finese sto ovisi od ekipe do ekipe . Ne znam koliko ste upoznati u beti je rijec o naftnom pipeline-u na Aljasci koju Rusi pokusavaju zauzeti, igra se obrana/napad, klasicni \"Rush\" , zauzimaju se kontrolne tocke dok napadackom timu ne nestane pojacanja, klase su Assault, Engineer, Recon, and Medic i igra ima blago arkadni stih ali ne u toj mjeri kao MW2, glupo je usporedjivat sa AA3 jer je ovdje ipak rijec o punokrvnoj simulaciji. Sto se tice realnost, niti jedna igra nema veze sa realnoscu, uostalom bilo bi i dosadno/neigrivo da ima, sve ostalo je stvar osobnog ukusa i dojma.
Eto malo sam se raspisao, prvi dojmovi su odlicni ali sacekat cu jos neko vrijeme dok se to ne slegne da nebi pao pod hype jer igra nije bas toliko ni jeftina ali so far jako igrivo...
Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Icon_biggrin

PPS kljuceve mozete nabaviti jako jednostavno - na fejsu, mislim da je dovoljno samo to da se postane fun, a klijent je "tezak" cca gigu i pol i moze se preuzeti sa official sitea, izbjegavajte Fileplanet i sl.

Last edited by HR_Fox on Tue 09 Feb 2010, 10:39; edited 1 time in total
Broj postova : 1588
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 49
Lokacija : Koprivnica, Glogovac

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Tue 09 Feb 2010, 10:30
ajd malo opiši kaj mi sve treba: skinem betu , a di da nadjem ključeve kako da uđem u igru?
Broj postova : 268
Join date : 2009-11-20
Age : 45
Lokacija : Vinkovci

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Tue 09 Feb 2010, 10:41
Sorry isao sam na edit posta, u medjuvremenu si ti postao tako da evo odmah sam i usput odgovorio, mislim da se ako nista drugo isplati dat sansu, probat betu, jel.
Buduci da ovdje ima dosta ljudi koji vole slicne stvari ( FPSove i sl. ) mislim da bi se nekome moglo i svidjeti. Eto uf.... nakucao sam se poprilicno Razz
Broj postova : 1588
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 49
Lokacija : Koprivnica, Glogovac

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Tue 09 Feb 2010, 10:48
he he thx, čim dođem doma skidam i pucam
Broj postova : 6501
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 46

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Tue 09 Feb 2010, 10:54
probat cu i ja... mada sumnjam da ce mi se svidjeti, volim ciste FPS-ove bez arkadnih pizdarija i auto-moto cirkusa...

no slazem se da treba probati i dati sansu igri...
Broj postova : 268
Join date : 2009-11-20
Age : 45
Lokacija : Vinkovci

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Tue 09 Feb 2010, 11:00
Ok addaj me, ko sto rekoh na EA sam HR_Fox ili hrfox@live.com pa mi daj svoj nick da ja tebe add-am ipak je lakse igrat s nekim kog poznas nego s kojekakvim random likovima, ostalo je malo manje od tri tjedna do official releasa pa se mozemo tu i tamo nac na beti, makar dok je jos sve bRezplatno Razz hehehehe
btw. ako se igra naruci ranije dobiju se kojekakve pizdarijice, gadgethi i sl. Vecina vas vjerovatno zna ali evo ako neko kojim slucajem i ne zna na ovom mjestu mozete dobiti kvalitetne informacije o popustima te razne druge zanimljivosti;

@BloodBatH: ha vidi ja sam prvenstveno za sve sto vole mladi Very Happy AA rula bez daljnjeg, besplatan je i sve da ne nabrajam kvalitete, medjutim steta sto je igra ostala bez malo bolje podrske, krivo mi je sto serveri nisu puni kao na pocetku i sto neke stvari nisu ispolirali, da se razumijemo nisam hejter, to mi je najdraza igra i budem je igrao opet, stvar je u tome da ima dosta cheatera i sto je postalo malo repetitivno, nema vise onaj replay value, sve se svodi na blago zivciranje, nadam se i duboko vjerujem da ce biti bolje ali kako sada stvari stoje velika je steta sto je tako kako je. Ipak ovo je igra za sk1llzor3 i ko ovdje uspije uspjet ce u svemu sto naravno ne znaci da ne valja probati i ostale igre.
Ko sto rekoh sacekat cu jos malo, nigdje mi se ne zuri ako me filing bude drzao i za desetak dana kao sto je sad, kupujem ako je to samo pocetno odusevljenje, ha nikom nista Wink
Broj postova : 6501
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 46

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Tue 09 Feb 2010, 21:22
evo bas skidam... ovo za AA si dobro rekao, al bit ce bolje valjda... Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 2404
Broj postova : 6501
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 46

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Wed 10 Feb 2010, 09:59
skinuo betu, cekam kljuc...
Broj postova : 427
Join date : 2009-11-10
Age : 46
Lokacija : Zagreb, Remetinec :D

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Wed 10 Feb 2010, 10:42
dajte link za tu betu da vidim, ja cu vam odmah rec jel vredi kaj il je kita od ofce XD
Broj postova : 6501
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 46

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Wed 10 Feb 2010, 10:55
skinuo preko torenta... nemam na poslu...
Broj postova : 780
Join date : 2009-12-22
Age : 42
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Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Wed 10 Feb 2010, 11:03
e daj torrent, da ga ne trazim, strpaj na rapidshare ili nes
Broj postova : 6501
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 46

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Wed 10 Feb 2010, 11:30
na poslu sam... mogu ga traziti ponovo, ali to mozes i sam...
Broj postova : 6501
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 46

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Wed 10 Feb 2010, 11:31

Thanks for signing up as a(n) Battlefield insider. You'll now
receive all of the latest and greatest news and info at this e-mail
address, as you've requested.

Have fun,

Electronic Arts™️

c2010 Electronic Arts Inc. All Rights Reserved.

kljuc? nisam nista dobio...
Broj postova : 6501
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 46

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Wed 10 Feb 2010, 12:18
ne dobijes kljuc ako se uclanis na facebooku, niti ako se regas na njihovu stranicu, to su sve vec razgrabili... mozes naruciti igru i platiti naravno i onda dobijes kljuc...

sanse su male do nikakve da se kljuc dobije... ako netko skuzi kako dobiti kljuc, neka posta...
Broj postova : 268
Join date : 2009-11-20
Age : 45
Lokacija : Vinkovci

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Wed 10 Feb 2010, 19:45
Eo brate;
zaspamaj tri frenda da budu fanovi i stize ti kljuc, klijent se preuzima na oficijalnoj stranici.
Broj postova : 6501
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 46

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Wed 10 Feb 2010, 20:24
thx Fox... radim na tome Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Fresse
Broj postova : 268
Join date : 2009-11-20
Age : 45
Lokacija : Vinkovci

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Wed 10 Feb 2010, 21:10
Evo nesto preneseno sa jednog od portala, dakle informacija, dvije vise o samoj igri pa ako se da kom citat nek cita kom ne nek stoji kruva ne trazi Smile ( to za one koji rade i nemaju pametnijeg posla na poslu Very Happy );
"PC verzija sadrži suncem obasjanu, ali i snijegom prekrivenu Port
Valdez mapu. U obje bete igra sadrži isti mod, Rush, u kojem je cilj
napadače spriječiti da postave bombu na određene stanice. Mapa je
poprilično velika, točnije podijeljena je na četiri dijela koliko ih
napadači imaju za osvojiti. Ono što je bitno kod mape je dizajn, na
cijeloj mapi ne postoji „prazan prostor“ jer sadrži različitie objekate
gdje se možete sakriti. Također možete birati hoćete li napadati kroz
sredinu ili preko flankova pa neprijatelju doći iza leđa. Želite li ući
u kuću, popeti se na kat ili otići kempati na tavan, izbor je vaš. Ako
volite ubijati iz prirode, samo uzmite snajpera i zavucite se među
borove i pucajte.

Na mapi je napravljen odličan balans otvorenog i zatvorenog prostora,
no samo je pitanje koliko će zatvoren prostor biti zatvoren jer igrač
može uništavati zidove, točnije mogu se srušiti i cijeli objekti. Treba
još spomenuti da igrači koji brane na svojoj strani imaju stacionirane
strojnice i protuoklopna oružja, dok će napadači za kompenzaciju imati
prijevozna vozila, tenkove i mogućnost korištenja UAV-a. No ovo će se
razlikovati od mape do mape jer u Arica Harbour mapi obrana je imala
dva tenka dok su napadači imali tri.

Battlefiled ne bi bio Battlefield da nema motoriziranih vozila u igri.
Tako imamo na raspolaganju laka vozila, tenkove, helikoptere i
prijevozna vozila poput ATV ili terenca. Prije nego nastavim o
vozilima, opisati ću Rush mod, jedini dostupan mod u ovoj beti. Kao što
ste mogli pročitati, igrači se dijele na dva tima, napad i obrana.
Napadači moraju uništiti dvije stanice, dok ih obrana mora spriječiti u
njihovom naumu. Kada napadači unište stanice otvara se novi dio mape i
povećava im se broj pojačanja. U ovome modu nema vremenskog
ograničenja, nego se igra dok napadači ne potroše sva pojačanja i kada
dođe do nule obrana je pobijedila. Ovdje imam jednu zamjerku koja se
odnosi na to da kada pojačanja dođu do nule, bez obzira bili vi živi
ili ne, igra završava. Bilo bi bolje i zanimljivije da igra završi tek
kada su svi napadači mrtvi jer ovako se gubi mogućnost da preživjeli
probaju još jednom uništiti objektive.

Osjećaj napucavanja napravljen je odlično, iako trebate malo više
metaka da ubijete neprijatelja. Prilikom igranja možete dobiti odlični
dojam rata jer se puca na sve strane, a tu su i eksplozije,
uništavanje, a svemu tome pridonosi dobar zvuk i atmosfera koja vlada u
igri. Prilikom igranja neki igrači su se žalili na kretanje, odnosno na
njegovu tromos. Takav dojam možete dobiti ako igrate brze igre jer onda
će vam se i prilikom sprintanja činiti da ste tromi. Vožnja vozila
napravljena je solidno, kao i korištenje oružja na njima. Još ako imate
sposobnog igrača koji će biti s vama u vozilu možete napraviti veliku
štetu. Za one kojima se igra čini prearkadnom postoji Hardcore mod.
Nekome će možda nedostajati lean opcija, no s obzirom na uništivi
okoliš ne znamo koliko je ona korisna.

Ako ste igrali prijašnje BF naslove onda znate da u igri imate
statistike i razne stvari za otključavanje. Ova igra nije iznimka.
Nakon svakog fraga, lječenja, oživljavanja, davanja metaka suborcima
dobivate iskustvo s kojim otključavate rankove, nova oružja kao i
dodatke za njih. DICE kaže da će biti 50 različitih rankova koje možete
otključati kao i različite medalje i ostale slične stvari. Ljubitelji
otključavanja svake sitnice u ovakvim i sličnim igrama imati će pune
ruke posla."

Uglavnom iz mog nekakvog osobnog kuta stvar je takva da cu si najvjerovatnije ubosti igru jer sto se vise igram to se teze skidam s kompa, meni je odlicna sto ne znaci da ce se svidjeti i vama... Very Happy
Sto se tice kupovine najvjerovatnije cu ici preko Enabave Net-a u iznosu od 279,00kn u cijenu je uracunata dostava te njihova provizija, a isporuka je sa Game.co.uk na kućnu adresu po izlasku igre: 05.03.2010. Eto, samo da jos jednom rastrubim ako budete igrali betu ja sam HR_Fox i u glavnom meniju sa lijeve strane imate opciju add friend pa me dodajte buduci da sam tamo cesto, bilo bi mi drago ako se vec igram da imam kraj sebe nekog kog znam, a ne kojekakve random likove i jebivetre.

U onom drugom topicu sam postao link koji je u medjuvremenu puko, baca 404, vijest je bila ta da se navodno sprema AA3 3.0.7 patch sad koliko je to istina nemam pojma i koliko je to official isto nemam pojma ali tu sam vijest doznao iz nekoliko izvora pa da je podjelim tu s vama, dakle prenosim cijeli tekst;

America’s Army Patch Version 3.0.7 Released
four months of concentrated effort by our Redstone Arsenal development
team, we are proud to present the latest version of America’s Army. The development of the 3.0.7 release has focused very heavily on fixes and included a few new additions.
This release focused on enhancing training missions. Exactly how
exactly we should approach updating training was the subject of many
debates at the AGP offices. However after polling some community
leaders and our own Beta Testers and Community Managers, and
understanding that not everyone will agree, we believe we have the best
plan in place.
Everyone’s training will be completely reset to the beginning; however,
you will retain all your Honor points and non-training awards and
badges. Everyone will be required to retake and complete all training
missions. While this may be a minor inconvenience to some, we feel this
is the best and most fair way to reactivate the training missions.
We’re simultaneously issuing three new AA Mission Challenges on the America’s Army YouTube channel to make completing the training missions a little more rewarding.
This is going to be a fairly long read, so you may want to initiate
your download now. That said, let’s get to the release notes:

America’s Army Version 3.0.7 Release Notes
We’ve added fog to our popular Alley map. But, you can still enjoy all
the current Alley features. The Alley Fog level was developed as a
performance test but due to the enhanced gameplay the fog created, the
beta testers recommended that we include it as an official map.
Deploy Client integration of Buddy Lists, displaying who's online,
indication of buddies on servers, and ability to launch game servers.
We’ve also added the Steam Browser (using Shift-TAB) to allow players
to allow Steam features in-game and integrated the Buddy List. Joining
or inviting a buddy to join a game server has never been easier.

We have reactivated the Training Missions. All prior training
experience will be reset to zero. All non-training related awards and
badges will remain intact. All Honor and non-training related
experience points will remain intact.


  • Fix
    to elimimate issue where player’s view became stuck in the zoomed-in
    modewhen player was incapacitated while looking through Scope.
  • Squad leader is no longer considered for 'promotion' to fireteam leader if a fireteam leader dies.
  • Fireteams being locked out because players leave the server will not disable occupied positions.
  • Disabled
    lockouts for mid-match role changes. You can now select roles that were
    not originally selected at the start of the match.
  • Corrected issue where when securing enemy after enemy is killed with melee, the damage type is reported incorrectly.
  • VIP Select Role has M4A1 weapon bug fixed.
  • M320 fires 40mm grenades with rifle rounds issue fixed.
  • M320 grenades now break glass windows.
  • Fixed reload issue caused by cancelling mid-reload.
  • Correctedend of match handling so that round time is no longer considered for incrementing matches played.
  • Fixes
    “wounded by” tracking to reset at end of each round so players who kill
    themselves in the next round don't give the original instigator credit
    for a kill.
  • Role-selection no longer disabled during game and
    deployment phases. Role for the next round may be chosen during the
    current round.
  • Player can now modify loadout options while match is in progress
  • Fixed issue where ambient sound effects were turned off after modification of detail settings.
  • Objective progress bar will return to the screen after displaying scoreboard or other panels.
  • Soldiers
    will no longer be able to take activated objectives while performing
    such actions as shooting, reloading, changing weapons, or readying
  • Tracing for enemy spotted commo now ignores windows,
    allowing you to 'spot' an enemy that you can see through windows.
  • Fixed misnamed mission selection for Range map. Demolition selection is actually Assault (activated objective).
  • Enabled and enhanced weapon guard use for multiplayer.
  • Fixed
    a bug causing the rotation of doors to possibly become out of synch
    between the client and server when a client joins a server that had
    previously completed a round.
  • Updated all mission sublevels so that the SDM or other specialized role in Charlie team is now in the 2nd slot.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to fire bullets while adjusting the M320 rangefinder.
  • Adjustment
    to ATS event setup so build number is sent as a float value
    (MMDDYYYY.BuildOfDay) so it can be used to create build-specific rules.
  • Fix for bug where bullet shell emitters will hang midair when colliding with damage volumes.
  • Change to default time-out for MBS to 1000ms.
  • Fix for One Man Army being awarded without player playing at least six rounds in a match.
  • Fix for tapping out players not having their "playtime" statistics being recorded.
  • Corrects reporting of OnlineTime statistics when player leaves mid-round so current round's time isn't lost.
  • Update to disallow shooting weapon while falling.
  • Fix
    to issue where user starts a reload, sprints before reload finishes,
    then weapon shows reloaded but unable to fire.
  • Players can no longer start a reload while their weapon is in the guard state.
  • Leaning while prone is no longer allowed.
  • Changes
    to weapon guard for crouch and prone states to avoid some gameplay
    issues (such as shooting straight down from ledges).
  • Added round discard ability for tournaments.
  • Inability to reload after a cancelled reload of M249 is fixed.
  • Player can no longer interact with doors while reloading a weapon.
  • Fixed the bug that was causing the reload animation to play even after interrupted by sprinting.
  • Disabled
    the ability to shoot while going to or from prone position. Going to or
    from prone will also now lower your weapon if it was previously sighted.
  • Changed
    fall damage to calculate based on distance fallen by predicting the
    velocity the pawn should have reached falling from a distance.
  • Fixed Magazine Count Increases after Reloading From Spawn issue fixed.
  • Fixed Player able to obtain 11 points for healing pawn
  • Added default keybinds for home and end to operate the 'thank you' and 'sorry' voice commos.
  • Locked
    out role selection once role selection and battle planner time expire.
    During the default 10 second prep time no role changes can be made,
    though loadouts can still be changed.
  • Fixed AA_Damage volumes don't respect grenade impact damage.
  • Fixed to more than 1 VIP spawning. Prevent multiple VIPs from auto-assigning.
  • Fixed issue with retracted rifle when breathing fov zoom occurred after the weapon is unscoped.
  • Fixed direct sprint from prone doesn't work and puts weapon in safe mode.
  • Czervanian ladder eats man alive bug fixed.
  • Tactical toggle on ladder moves pawns hands to weapon.
  • Corrected
    issue where doors will push back when the player bumps into them. Also
    made changes to the timeframe in which players could not close a door
    after it had opened to its extent.
  • Fix to remove invalid bridge mission selection.
  • Player’s
    pawn will no longer be left in transition mode when putting down the
    M320 while the rangefinder is still up.
  • Fix to the sound cues for "Report In" and "Report Location.”
  • The
    M320 rangefinder will now remember if it has been left up, after the
    player swaps to another weapon and then comes back.
  • Vault/Mantle calls when right next to an object will now replicate to the server, properly starting the VM sequence.
  • Changed
    Vault/Mantle so that it does not get stuck in a moving state where the
    player would be locked into trying to reach a point that is not
  • Vault mantle obstacle height trace will try again
    from a slightly different position if it fails. This specifically fixes
    vaulting onto the park bench static mesh (which has gaps), but may
    potentially fix any situation in which we need to vault onto a mesh
    with gaps.
  • Materials modified to adjust emissive boost so levels light better.
  • Headshots now track properly for Consummate Professional achievement when the SDM has been promoted to squad leader.
  • Added
    messaging when player cannot lean and corrects calculation error that
    improperly prevented leaning when walls were close
  • Optimizations
    to statistics handling to move more of it to native code to speed
    things up. Adds in new player left training statistics to better track
    how long players are in training.
  • Enemy spotted now reports comm volume location names.
  • ATS
    rule corrections fixes tracking of alley matches played and adjusts
    bridge matches played tracking to attempt to correct both.
  • Corrects
    achievement data tracking to prevent false reports of either earning an
    achievement multiple times in a single session or not being told
    they've achieved an achievement due to the counters resetting on the
  • Reduced HUD display and Trigger distance for
    vault/mantle use by about 35%. This addresses many complaints about VM
    display before the player is near the intended mantle object.
  • Map votes can no longer be cast over and over for same vote.
  • Fix to prevent FOV from shifting after incapacitation.
  • Player can no longer reload while cycling fire modes.

  • Updated ALL AAR panels with new panel design.
  • Distinguished Grenadier now showing progress in Achievements UI.
  • Adds
    Current Round ("x/6 or" "OVERTIME") to HUD directly left of time
    remaining. Also displays whether this is a "non-scoring round" for
    discarded rounds.
  • Fixed issue where after completion of
    training, the enlistment and graduation cinematic remain locked on the
    Common training media screen.
  • MOS Training modified to remove the lock icon to merely indicate that new training is available.
  • Spotless Record Achievement Coin issue fixed.
  • Modified
    UpdateAdvancement to check for any changes made to the current
    soldier's statistics. If there is a change, the statistics will update.
    This allows for updating statistics in-game after training and online
    play without needing to log back in.

  • Pausing
    the game will now pause a full screen BINK movie that is playing.
    Similarly, unpausing the game will unpause the movie fixing desync
  • Fix for soldier overview while updating enemy neutralized match record.
  • VIP missions not reporting results in AAR correctly.
  • Added notification to console when teams are about to change sides.

  • Voting
    panel will now grey out the option for map voting when it is disabled
    on the server. Rolling over the button will now reveal text explaining
    that the option is disabled on the server.
  • AA_Main_Soldier_Overview updated to display properly for new soldiers.
  • Fixes
    situation where command line connection information is provided, player
    joins server, then disconnects, logs off and then logs in again and is
    automatically connected to server from command line.
  • Adds in a "connecting" dialog when connecting via command line just like browser uses.
  • Fixed glitch in server browser with history and favorites tab.
  • Fix for battleplanner map floating around and losing its rightful place.
  • Changes to UI to show proper text when player cheated in Medic training..
  • Fixed misleading ServerAddBlockedPlayer messages.
  • Fixed issue where badges appear incorrectly in the AAR.
  • Added text for Loyalty in the Game Help menu.
  • ATS rule updated to correct display of Security Specialist achievement.
  • Support for new Soldier Overview UI functions to query the minimum XP required for any specific level.
  • Changes
    have been made to end of round AAR and scoreboard timing. Added
    configuration flag that determines how long the end of round AAR
    displays, that determines time shown only for the scoreboard instead of
    the total AAR + scoreboard time allowed. The defaults are set to 5
    seconds in the spirit of speeding up game turnaround time.
  • Prevent
    graphic quality settings from overwriting other graphic related ini
    values. Will allow players to fine tune their performance settings a
    bit more within ini than the UI allows for and still be able to use the
    UI without resetting those changes.
  • Fix to allow favorites to be removed from server list.
  • Progress
    for Take And Hold not displaying in Achievements UI (was trying to
    display completed TAH rounds, not TAH objectives completed count).
  • Fixes to TAH objective completion tracking and Security Specialist achievement.
  • Added "OVERVIEW" link in the Go Army > Careers pane
  • RND removed from UI single player training missions.
  • Combat Infantryman medal shows localization tag instead of localized text in soldier overview.
  • Issue
    where suppressive results not tracking/awarding correctly fixed. Fixes
    UI achievements so progress is displayed and addresses issue related to
    determining when suppressive result progress should be incremented.
  • Redesigned
    the end-of-round panel to provide a graphical description of the
    current match to augment the textual description. Moved achievements to
    the disappearing sidebar to free up space.
  • Win/loss percentage statistics display in UI corrected.
  • Removed unused radial menus.
AIT Rifleman Tier 1

  • Timer now waits until the first buzz before it starts counting.
  • Drill Sergeant instructs non-existent soldiers to enter lanes issue fixed.
AIT Grenadier Tier 1

  • Corrects scoring so it matches what was actually implemented as far as max points go.
  • Fix to allow completion of AIT Grenade training even though player misses both times with the smoke rounds.
  • Fixed
    grenadier AIT Tier One so score tracking is handled uniquely and as a
    result now correctly handles missed targets on any phase of the
    qualification (and the resulting AAR now correctly shows the
    hits/misses for each phase).
  • Pawn Stuck to Sandbags and Cannot Complete Training issue fixed
  • No Visual or Audio Prompt that training is completed issue fixed.

  • SPORTS is reported without malfunction issue fixed.

  • Removed the timer from the HUD display during the training.
  • Bink demonstration movies started in the level can now be paused and unpaused fixing desync issues.

  • Fix to OPFOR target confirmation bug.

  • Added a blocking volume to side storage area fence.
  • Fix added to MOUT training allowing targets to be spotted on SAI/HUD.
  • Enemy should now be confirmable. Looks like there are 2 checkboxes and I missed one.
  • Adjusted collision on barbed wire asset to allow them to be scaled non-uniformly.
  • Tweaked the tooltip that shows the 'how to confirm enemy' to display longer.

Obstacle Course

  • Added display for user friendly message for stand after combat slide/dive blocked.
  • Turned off collision on obstacle to help with the vault/mantle problem.
  • Fix for issue with unlocking training UI button after completion and returning to main menu.
  • Revisited blocking volumes to optimize level.


  • Enabled collision on the wood cover mesh.
SDM Training

  • Repaired next rank display for SDM training AAR.
  • Fixed the Green arrow not appearing in SDM1 (seemed to be working in PIE but not game) should work overall now.
  • Added
    some warnings to keep your firing in your lane. And adjusted the volume
    on the range tower, so you actually have to hit the top of the tower to
    get punished
Weapons Familiarization

  • Player should no longer get stuck to sandbags during the 2nd phase of grenadier training.

  • Added an audio cue when you finishing the training.
  • The buzzer should sound now before the targets appear at the start of a training round.
  • No longer have an extra explosive round.
  • Now have infinite flashbangs while practicing for the grenade range.
  • Practice targets should be locked out during qualification now

Map Updates/Bug Fixes

  • Rotated several spawn points in Take and Hold mission to point in the right direction.
  • Adjusted and added comm. volumes. Fixed several bugs with comm volumes, phys materials and collision.
  • Turned
    on collision on some of the wood pieces on the scaffolding and adjusted
    depth bias on the poster decals that were z fighting after bullet
    decals were applied.
  • Fixed an area that the player could see through the floor.
  • Adjusted door frame scale on door near market.
  • Added some vault mantle volumes to balcony that players can access.
  • Made some adjustments to the blocking volumes to prevent players from seeing thru the floor.
  • Fixed a blocking volume that was preventing players from moving thru the cafe.
  • Adjusted meshes along one of the buildings.
  • Added doorknobs to the doors in the hotel.
  • Fixed several vault/mantle bugs, lighting on decal meshes, and collision.
  • Converted
    all of the BSP stairs to static mesh with ramped collision to help with
    collision issues when running up stairs close to a wall.
  • Added some vault/mantle volumes in front of Buckets.
  • Added
    some meshes down by the stairs that should make it harder to get wedged
    up under the floor. Also made some tweaks to the stairs that I had
    converted to static mesh.
  • Adjusted the collision on the dumpsters.
  • Adjusted
    the window above the convenience store so you can't prone into it
    anymore. Adjusted the light map size on one of the walls to help with a
    lighting bug, and replaced a missing texture.
  • Adjusted the construction debris slightly to fix a problem with the step-up height.

  • Added an additional kill volume near the north east stairs.
  • Fixed some vault mantle bugs and added a blocking volume to the extraction tunnel to fix map exploit.
  • Changed collision on the plank to only block weapons. Pawn shouldn't get stuck anymore.
  • Fixes sticky issues with the stairs, also fixed a small terrain popping over bsp error that were noticed.
  • Adjusted the blocking volume on the foliage so player shouldn't get stuck as easily.
  • Modified vault/mantle volumes around the tank.
  • Various collision updates added.

  • Adjusted vault/mantle volumes and added various collision updates to Impact in several locations.
  • Various visual fixes added.
  • Swapped a material on some of the railings that was dark and not lighting properly.
  • Added
    some rock meshes to keep the player from being able to see through the
    building. Also added some blocking volumes around the map to try to
    keep people from escaping the map.
  • Adjusted the foliage draw distances so hopefully it no longer disappears/re-appears oddly.
  • Added some rock meshes to keep the player from being able to see through the building.
  • Added
    a fix for the bullet penetration on the walls near the southern
    activated objectives, so that shooting into the lower section of the
    walls blocks bullets.
  • Removed the collision from an awning,
    and added blocking volumes so you don't get stuck on the lip above one
    of the walkways now.
  • Tweaks added for grass to minimize popping in and out of grass.
  • Moved the window and a few others up against the buildings.
  • Tweaked the lights a bit to soften the shadows.
  • Adjusted
    the stairway endcap so it doesn't look as funny, and tweaked the bsp
    that make up the walls of the center objective building so that decals
    render properly on them.
  • Updates to stair collision to reduce player from getting stuck.

  • Various collision volume updates and removed some unneeded geometry.
  • Updated the stop sign material so that it was not using the old language.
  • Fixed several spawn directions on TAH sub levels.
  • Updates to stair collision to reduce player from getting stuck.
  • Adjusted
    the location of the barrels/laptops near the Stryker so they aren't
    floating anymore. And moved a concrete barrier so you can no longer use
    climb on the Stryker.
  • Adjusted the spawnpoints on pipeline classic so hopefully no more unable to load weapon bugs.
  • Adjusted the collision on the barbed wire fences so you should now fall off them.
  • Added some meshes to the top of the break in the fence.
  • Added some volumes above the pipes so you can't fall onto them anymore.
  • Moved the grass back a few units so it doesn't peak through the shipping container anymore.
  • Moved a steam jet so it doesn't ooze out of the floor anymore.
  • Enabled collision on all the fences on the ground to fix the hit sound issue with them.
  • Added
    VIP mission to the default server map rotation to fix bug where map
    vote for VIP would end up changing to a Ranch match.
  • Removed
    the strafing from the huge ladder from the basement to the roof, this
    should keep you from getting stuck on one of the pipes as you climb up.

  • Adjusted comm volume near the house that was being read down in the basement area.
  • Added
    blocking volume around the outer fence area to keep players from
    getting outside the player area. Fixed some floating grass.
  • Made some adjustments to cull distance for several objects.
  • Added some more blocking volumes on bridge pieces.
  • Comm volumes have been adjusted and spellings corrected.
  • Updates to stair collision to reduce player from getting stuck.
  • Adjusted the blocking volume under the edge of the wall so player cannot peak through anymore
  • Added a blocking volume on the 2nd story door at the barn.
  • Added a rock next to the bridge so you have something to stand on, should be harder to get stuck now.
  • Added some vault/mantle volumes to the vineyard.
  • Lighting adjusted on a small patch of porch roof."
Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Icon_biggrin zvuci lijepo, nadam se da je i istinito Smile
Broj postova : 6501
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 46

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Wed 10 Feb 2010, 22:45
i ja se nadam da ce ovo biti postena zakrpa... procitao sam vecinu, trebalo bi valjat...
Broj postova : 892
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 42
Lokacija : Osijek

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Wed 10 Feb 2010, 22:50
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 372536 Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 213602
Broj postova : 101
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Age : 40
Lokacija : zagreb

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Wed 10 Feb 2010, 23:42
skinul sam betu igrica je zver Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 92760
Broj postova : 6501
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 46

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Thu 11 Feb 2010, 10:40
Fox a di bi trebao dobiti taj kljuc... kaj dodje na facebook? nisam jos nista dobio... a gorim od zelje da upucam nekog na BF-u Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 315409
Broj postova : 6501
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 46

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Thu 11 Feb 2010, 11:27
dobio sam kljuc Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 589203

thx Fox! Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 442561
Broj postova : 1588
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 49
Lokacija : Koprivnica, Glogovac

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Thu 11 Feb 2010, 17:53
poslao pozivnice svi prihvatili i nema kljuca, WTF?
Broj postova : 268
Join date : 2009-11-20
Age : 45
Lokacija : Vinkovci

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Fri 12 Feb 2010, 08:40
Moguce da su razgrabljeni???
EDIT: nisu evo dobio sam jos jedan dao sam ga Anti...
tu bi ti trebalo pisati;
Broj postova : 1588
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 49
Lokacija : Koprivnica, Glogovac

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Fri 12 Feb 2010, 10:13
dobio sam svoj, e baš super poslijepodne rokamo malo, morao sam neke frendove uvjeriti da je to super ako prihvate....
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