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Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje...

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Fri 25 Sep 2009, 12:03
Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 616866
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Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Empty Re: Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje...

Mon 28 Sep 2009, 18:26
hahahahahha strahote damire,...strahote....
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Wed 30 Sep 2009, 20:07
Razgovaraju dva pedofila
PEDOFIL 1: Jučer sam bil sa trogodišnjakinjom
PEDOFIL 2: Fuj, to hoda!
Broj postova : 6501
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Age : 46

Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Empty Re: Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje...

Thu 01 Oct 2009, 12:51
Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Persbnnr

By Wes Boyer and Samuel Stoddard
Tired of losing arguments? Tired of being outmaneuvered by superior
debaters? You don't have to be! This tutorial will teach you everything you
need to know about being persuasive and winning arguments. Take the principles
in this tutorial to heart, and you'll be able to convince anyone to believe
anything. Even the resolve of the most stubborn of opponents will crumble
before you.

Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Rinkicon

What Is Persuasion?

Persuasion is the act of getting a sentient being other than yourself to
adopt a particular belief or pursue a particular action. This tutorial will
teach you how to excel at doing just that. Our examples will assume
a variety of different specific circumstances, but the principles we present
will be applicable in a myriad of situations. Whether you're trying
to persuade a pseudo-intellectual that his political beliefs are, in fact,
as savory as unwashed socks, or whether you're trying to persuade a vicious
dog to please kindly release your coccyx, the techniques of persuasion you
must employ are fundamentally the same.

To be persuasive, you must make use of a number of different tactics. The
more you can utilize in conjunction with each other, the more persuasive
your argument will be. We will start by isolating and identifying each of the
different techniques, and then we'll show how they can be used together in
a single compelling argument.

Verbal Techniques

As debating is primarily a verbal undertaking, most of the techniques you
will need are verbal in nature. We'll start with those, then look at how you
can polish off your style with other types of techniques.


The cornerstone of good persuasive arguing is stubbornness. You must never,
under any circumstances, concede that your opponent might ever possibly be
right. Openmindedness has led to the downfall of many great debaters. If you
find yourself doubting the correctness of your position, don't let it show.
Repeat to yourself, "I am right. I am right." If you can't convince yourself
that you're right, you'll never convince others that they're wrong. Here is
an example of the use of stubbornness in a debate:

  • You: "The moon is made of cheese."
  • Opponent: "Umm. It's a proven fact that the moon is NOT made of
  • You: "The moon is made of cheese."
  • Opponent: "Ok, look, I have a piece of moon ROCK at my house. It
    is not made of cheese. It is made of ROCK."
  • You: "The moon is made of cheese."
  • Opponent: "No, it isn't. We've sent ships to the moon. People
    landed on it. They looked at it. They said it was made
    of ROCK. They brought back ROCK. It is made out of ROCK."
  • You: "The moon is made of cheese."

Strategic Compromise

Compromise would seem to be prohibited by the previous tip about stubbornness,
but it's not, because you should only use compromise as a diversionary
tactic. Don't ever compromise your main point. But if you introduce points
you don't even care about, then compromise on them later, you can often
trick your opponent into conceding. For example:

  • You: "We should go out to eat tonight."
  • Opponent: "But we ate out last night, and we need to save our
  • You: "I don't care. We should go out to eat tonight, and then
    we'll treat ourselves and all of our neighbors to a Broadway play."
  • Opponent: "But that would cost a fortune!"
  • You: "Yeah, I suppose you're right. Gosh, that would run
    hundreds of dollars, wouldn't it?"
  • Opponent: "Yes, it would."
  • You: "Ok, just dinner it is, then."

Big Words

Use of big words is persuasive several times over. They make you look all
smart and other people look all stupid; hence, your argument becomes the more
compelling. Furthermore, use of big words means you'll talk longer, and
usually whoever talks the most is the most convincing. "Wow, look at all
he has to say about this," people will say to themselves as they observe you
making a protracted argument. "He must know a lot about this subject."

By way of example, compare the persuasiveness of the following two

  • "Hockey is better than football."
  • "You are the manifest profusion of delusional ideology incarnate if
    you do not fulminate against the institution of football with great
    superciliousness and promulgate the preeminence of hockey."


Forgetfulness is a powerful debating tool. You must use this tool wisely,
because it can be a devastating weapon in your fight against ignorance. Here
is what you should do: in the middle of your argument, forget what you're
talking about. This may sound counterproductive, but by forgetting your point
you show the person you're debating with that he is so utterly
wrong, it's not worth the trouble to follow the course of the conversation.
For example:

  • You: "Virginia has never produced any good presidents."
  • Opponent: "Yes it has. Actually, most of our better presidents
    came from Virginia."
  • You: "But that's exactly what I'm saying...I think...I dunno...I
  • Opponent: "So we agree?"
  • You: "Yup. I'm right."


Talk relentlessly, especially when your opponent is also trying to talk.
Interrupt constantly. If you never give your opposition a chance to give
the other side, you win by default.

  • Opponent: "Australia seems like a cool place to visit."
  • You: "What? How can you say that? Australia is too hot!
    You'll die of thirst! And there are diseases and wild dogs--"
  • Opponent: "But--"
  • You: "--and you can't see the ground because there are so
    many snakes and spiders, and they are ALL DEADLY. But that's ok,
    because the jet lag will be so extreme that you'll spend your entire
    vacation sleeping in the hotel room, which will probably smell and
    have deadly spiders crawling--"
  • Opponent: "No--"
  • You: "--around it, and plus everybody talks funny, and they're
    all CRAZY. Have you SEEN 'The Crocodile Hunter'? The hole in the
    ozone down there gives them all brain cancer--"
  • Opponent: "B--"
  • You: "--and they all get tumors which drive them insane!"
  • Opponent: "..."
  • You: "..."
  • Opponent: "..."
  • You: "..."
  • Opponent: "Well--"
  • You: "And furthermore, they're all criminals! Australia is just
    one big country-sized maximum security prison for thieves and
    murderers! I can't believe..."


Facts might be the best way to substantiate an argument, but lies are the
next best thing. If the facts don't prove your point, make some up.

There are varying degrees of lies. A "fib" is a small exaggeration of the
truth. A "hyperbole" is a larger exaggeration of the truth. A "lie" is a
statement that has nothing whatsoever to do with the truth. A "big lie" is not
only blatantly untrue but will cause your great grandmother to roll over in
her grave with shame.

The big lie is normally the way to go.

  • You: "Dogs are better than cats."
  • Opponent: "I prefer cats."
  • You: "But cats eat babies! They dig their rabid muzzles into
    infants' chests and rip their kidneys out!"
  • Opponent: "No they don't!"
  • You: "They do! And they killed my great grandmother! Twice!"


No persuasive argument would be complete without a little rhyming. Not only
does it make you sound clever, but, when used correctly, it can make your
opponent sound ignorant. To employ this amazing persuasive tool, you take
one of your opponent's points and make up a nonsensical rhyming word to go
with it. This tactic has no known refutation.

  • You: "There are no people on this planet that do not believe in
  • Opponent: "Yes there are. They're called communists."
  • You: "Communists schmommunists!"
  • Opponent: "..."


Taunting is a crucial element of a persuasive argument. The purpose of
taunting your opponent is to intimidate him into submission.

  • You: "Modern art is stupid, and Picasso was a loser."
  • Opponent: "I disagree strongly. Picasso was a visionary genius."
  • You: "Nyah nyah nyah."
  • Opponent: "Er, well, I am entitled to my opinion."
  • You: "Bring it on!!"

Random Comments

The interjection of random comments is a useful diversionary tactic.
Although the best way to win an argument is for your opponents to concede the
debate to you, this last ditch effort can be used in an emergency to secure a
secondary victory by disorienting your opponents so much they don't know how
to proceed. This tactic has the side benefit of presenting yourself as
knowledgeable on a wide range of subjects, so observers are bound to be
impressed by your breadth of expertise.

  • You: "School lunches suck."
  • Opponent: "Despite the taste, school lunches are, in actuality,
    very nutritional."
  • You: "On the contrary! Mahogany is one of Honduras' primary
    lumber exports."
  • Opponent: "Mahogany? Honduras? This has nothing to do with school
  • You: "Yeah, well, I could beat you at arm wrestling!"
  • Opponent: "What does-- But-- You--"


When in doubt, say "clearly." It may not be clear, but your opposition
doesn't know that. By offhandedly suggesting that a particular train of
thought is obvious to you, you will come across as a daunting force of
intelligence difficult to reckon with.

  • Opponent: "I don't see how you can say clothing is immoral."
  • You: "Clothing was invented as a means of concealing immorality.
    Anyone wearing clothing is clearly doing so for the same reason."
  • Opponent: "No, people wear clothing for a number of reasons.
    To stay warm, for example."
  • You: "Clearly, these reasons are rationalizations made up after
    the fact."

Subliminal Messages

Subliminal messages are important components of a persuasive argument. Why?
Because subliminal messages cannot be argued. If your opponent doesn't
know you are suggesting things to his subconscious mind, what possible
rebuttal can he have? Convey subliminal messages by whispering under your
breath quietly enough so that your opponent does not consciously

  • Opponent: "I'm afraid you'll have to come with me."
  • You: "These aren't the droids you're looking for."

The Last Word

Above all, you must get the last word. Getting the last word in an argument
is terribly important, because it means everyone listening to the argument --
both those involved and those observing -- will leave with the last word as
the dominant memory of the debate. If you have the last word, that means
your side will be the most remembered. For example:

  • You: "Paper does not come from trees."
  • Opponent: "Yes it does. My father works in a paper mill. I have
    personally observed the process by which lumber is processed and turned
    into paper. These four books I have here describe this procedure in
    minute detail."

This certainly looks like an argument you've lost, doesn't it? But consider
how much stronger a case you make for yourself with this slight

  • You: "Paper does not come from trees."
  • Opponent: "Yes it does. My father works in a paper mill. I have
    personally observed the process by which lumber is processed and turned
    into paper. These four books I have here describe this procedure in
    minute detail."
  • You: "Nuh-uh."

Name Calling

Name calling is an efficient way of pointing out your opponents' weaknesses
and call into question the authority with which they dispute your position.
By encouraging your opponents to doubt their competence, you can undermine
a contrary argument from the inside. For example:

  • You: "I believe all short people should be beaten with rocks
    until they bleed."
  • Opponent: "I think that's a very horrible and malicious idea."
  • You: "Well, you're fat! Fatty fat doo doo head!"
  • Opponent: (sobs)


Yelling is one of the most instinctive and exciting methods of getting your
point across. It is also very effective. When you yell, you gain people's
respect and awe. The louder you yell, the more respect you incur. When
yelling, remember three rules:

  1. Be loud loud loud. If you aren't loud, you aren't yelling.
  2. Accompany your yelling with eye bulging. The further out of your head
    your eyes bulge, the more effective the yell.
  3. Turn red. Red is a color of power. The redder you get, the more power
    you have. Observe the logo for this tutorial, at the top of this page.
    Notice how compelling the 'a' is, because it is red? The other letters
    are quiescent and relatively nondescript. But you wouldn't want to
    tangle with that 'a', would you?

Witness the following use of the yelling tactic:

  • You: "Canada is a stupid country."
  • Opponent: "Canada is a fine country that has made many
    contributions to the world in the areas of economics, cuisine, and
    the arts."
  • You: "No it isn't!!!! Canada is lame!!!!!"
  • Opponent: "That's a totally unsubstantiated opinion."
    BAD!!! BAD!!!"


Swearing is absolutely crucial if you want to convince someone of something.
Swearing is a sign of great articulation, vocabulary, and bravado. By
swearing, you can demonstrate that you are mature, for you understand mature
concepts, and that you are daring enough to thwart the oppression of social

  • You: "**** you, man! ****** Canada is a **** ******* *** of a
    ***** country!!!!"
  • Opponent: "Can you tone it down a bit? And Canada is a very
    important nation."
  • You: "***** *** * ***** ******** ******, MAN!!!! ******!!!!"
  • Opponent: "Could you please watch your language?"
  • You: "Oh, so **** you too, ****, you just go **** ****** *** ****
    your ***** *** ****** **** ***** **** *******!!!!! **************!!!"

Physical Techniques

Even the most solidly constructed verbal arguments can crumble if your
physical stature is not imposing enough to back it up. Here we will discuss
how you can use body language to support your arguments.

Flailing Arms

The flailing arms strategy is used to express surprise and to reinforce your
arguments. It's very hard to disagree with someone who waves his arms in
confidence. For example:

  • Opponent: "Water is very important. You need to drink it to
  • You: (waving arms wildly) "Water is poisonous!"
  • Opponent: "Whatever you say man, just please, don't hurt me!"

Being Tall

Physical stature is an important intimidation tool. Your opponent is more
likely to concede an argument if you appear to be bigger than he is.
Shortness is associated with children, who are dumb, while tallness is
associated with authority figures who know better. Consequently, you should
never debate someone at anything less than eye level. If your opponent is
sitting, stand. If your opponent is standing, stand taller. Wear thick-soled
shoes. Stand on tip-toes. Stand on chairs if you have to.

Another effective gesture you can make that increases the power of your
presence is to make a fist with one hand and ominously punch the open palm
of your other hand.

Here is an example of how physical intimidation can sway the course of a

  • Opponent: (sitting) "I love old movies."
  • You: (standing up) "Old movies are all boring and stuffy."
  • Opponent: (standing up) "That's just because you have
    no sense of taste. Modern action flicks have dulled your brain."
  • You: (standing on tiptoes) "They're boring, and the
    acting is bad."
  • Opponent: (still standing) "On the contrary, Laurence
    Olivier, for example, is one of the greatest actors of all time.
    Um, what are you doing?"
  • You: (standing on a chair) "Old movies suck, and Laurence
    Olivier was a poser." (punches palm)
  • Opponent: "Uh. Riiiight." (sits down)


Biting is a last ditch effort. You use this tactic when the other person has
been given every opportunity to conform to your opinion and still refuses.
It is normally best to go for an important artery or organ. The jugular vein
is recommended, as it is located roughly at mouth height.

  • You: "I'm right."
  • Opponent: "I don't agree. In my opinion, yo--"

Using These Techniques Together

Here is a sample debate that illustrates each of the techinques given above.
Notice how, when used in conjunction with one another, you can create an
unstoppable argument.

  • You: "Our daughter should not be dating."
  • Opponent: "Our daughter is mature enough to date, especially if
    we transport her to and from the restaurant and the movie theater
  • You: "Our daughter should not be dating."
  • Opponent: "She has shown herself to be level-headed, of strong
    moral character, and very trustworthy."
  • You: "Our daughter should not be dating."
  • Opponent: "But she's 17 years old!"
  • You: "Our daughter should not be dating."
  • Opponent: "The guy she wants to date is the boy next door, whom
    we know is nice and would treat her right."
  • You: "Your adjudication is fallible if you do not contraindicate
    our Y-chromosome deficient offspring commencing to consort with
    potential inamoratos."
  • Opponent: "Huh?"
  • You: "Our daughter should not be dating."
  • Opponent: "Come now, be reasonable. Don't you see, if we keep
    her from dating now, what happens next year, when she can date without
    our permission? She should learn about dating now, while we're here
    to guide her."
  • You: "Well...well.... I tell you, nothing makes me madder than
    those teachers' unions! They're too powerful! Why, combustion
    engine emissions are tearing through the ozone layer even as we speak!
    Oh, what were we just talking about?"
  • Opponent: "Our daughter, dating."
  • You: "Oh, right. I agree with you. Absolutely out of the
  • Opponent: "But--"
  • Opponent: "Good heavens, what are you talk--"
  • You: (waving arms wildly) "CLEARLY HE MAKES THEM EAT
    LIZARDS!!!!! ******! HE **** AND ***** AND MAKES THEM **** **
    **** *****!!!!!"
  • Opponent: "Gracious! I have never heard you use such language!
    What is wrong with you? I can't have a discussion when you're like
  • You: "Discussion schmiscussion!"
  • Opponent: "Calm down. And get off that chair."
  • You: "Why don't you make me!? Nyah nyah, can't make me! You're
    a wimpy dimpy loser!"
  • Opponent: (crying) "I don't believe you said that."
  • You: "You're right. I'm sorry. I don't really think you're a
    wimpy dimpy loser, and I'll get down from this chair,
    as long as our daughter isn't allowed to date."
  • Opponent: "Thank you. I didn't quite realize you felt so strongly
    about it. Why don't we let her date just this once and see how it
    goes, and then--urk...gurgle--"
  • You: "Right, then. No dates."

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Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 46

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Thu 01 Oct 2009, 12:53

evo i link ako je netko nekim cudom sve procitao... ima jos odlicnih naputaka Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Icon_lol tipa...

Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Moz-screenshotVicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Fnnyline
Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Romaline
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Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 49
Lokacija : Koprivnica, Glogovac

Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Empty Re: Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje...

Thu 01 Oct 2009, 14:30
ucio ruski u skoli, a znal sam da mi nebu trebal Sad
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Thu 01 Oct 2009, 20:04
e sta volim c/p i jos da sam razumio neki kurac Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 65559
ajd budi faca pa sve to prevedi Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 796630
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Lokacija : čim uđeš pa na lijevo

Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Empty Re: Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje...

Thu 01 Oct 2009, 20:45

Kad znate da ste ovisni o kompjuteru?
Kad vam na ekran sleti muha, a vi je pokušate ubiti strelicom miša.

e ovo mi se desilo viseputa Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 858381
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Age : 46

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Thu 01 Oct 2009, 23:55
@g3nt_[)3n!$ wrote:Ovisnost

Kad znate da ste ovisni o kompjuteru?
Kad vam na ekran sleti muha, a vi je pokušate ubiti strelicom miša.

e ovo mi se desilo viseputa Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 194845

ahahahahaha Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Icon_lol Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Icon_lol dobar... opce mi ni tesko to zamislit
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Lokacija : Zagreb

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Fri 02 Oct 2009, 13:12
Zašto su lignje univerzalne?

Može se koristit za jelo i kao kondom Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Fresse
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Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 49
Lokacija : Koprivnica, Glogovac

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Fri 02 Oct 2009, 13:41
Pita Fata mater: "Mama mogu li sa Mujom u kino?"
Na to če mati:"A koji film igra?"
"Strašni", odgovori Fata.
"E ne može", reče mati: "Da se prepadneš pa mu u kinu pridješ bliže."
"Pa mogu li gledati ljubavni", upita Fata.
"Neee", reče mati: "pa da se počnete ljubakati."
"Pa mogu li barem smiješni gledati?"
"Može", reče joj mati.
I kad je Fata došla iz kina upita je mati kako je bilo.
"Pa znaš mama, da me Mujo nije držo za pičku, ja bi se upišala od smijeha."
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Age : 35
Lokacija : čim uđeš pa na lijevo

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Fri 02 Oct 2009, 13:47
Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 882486 odlican
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Age : 49
Lokacija : Koprivnica, Glogovac

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Wed 07 Oct 2009, 08:29
Dragi Stjepane,

nadam se da mi mozes pomoci. Neki dan sam krenula na posao, a muz je ostao doma gledat TV kao i obicno. Prosla sam mozda par stotina metara niz ulicu i motor automobila mi se jednostavno ugasio i stao. Pjeske sam se vratila doma da pitam muza za pomoc. Kada sam stigla doma nisam mogla vjerovati ocima. Moj muz je obukao moje visoke pete i tanga gacice, nasminkao se i ogledavao u zrcalu. Imam 32 godine, a moj muz 34 i zajedno smo vec 12 godina. Kada sam ga pitala sto radi rekao je da je obukao moje gacice jer nije mogao pronaci svoje. Kad sam ga pitala za sminku slomio se i priznao mi da nosi moje stvari zadnjih 6 mjeseci. Rekla sam mu da prestane ili cu ga ostaviti. Prije 6 mjeseci dobio je otkaz na poslu i postao depresivan.
Volim ga jako, ali otkad sam mu dala ultimatum jedva da razgovaramo.
Molim te, pomozi!


Draga Ivana,

Moze biti puno uzroka zatajenja motora nakon kratke voznje. Pocnite s pregledom dovoda goriva. Ako je cist, provjerite drzace na vakuum pumpi. Ako to ne pomogne, moze biti da je sama pumpa pokvarena i ne daje dovoljan pritisak injektoru.

Broj postova : 1588
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 49
Lokacija : Koprivnica, Glogovac

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Wed 07 Oct 2009, 08:38
Policajac zaustavlja pijanca oko 4 ujutro i pita:
- Kuda ste krenuli ?
- Na predavanje - odgovara pijanac.
- Ma tko drži predavanje u ovo doba noći?
- Moja žena !
Broj postova : 153
Join date : 2009-05-01
Lokacija : Zagreb

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Wed 07 Oct 2009, 12:23
e ovaj prvi je genijalan Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Icon_lol
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Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 49
Lokacija : Koprivnica, Glogovac

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Wed 07 Oct 2009, 13:43
ah ti urednici...
Broj postova : 1588
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 49
Lokacija : Koprivnica, Glogovac

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Wed 07 Oct 2009, 14:51

Registrirani korisnik
Registracija: Mar 2007.

Slučajno sam na ovom forumu ali mi je topik bio
zanimljiv pa sam cijeli pročitao.
Imam 36 godina i živim u jednom primorskom mjestu,
učlanjen sam u sportsko ribolovno društvo koje
postoji već godinama i članovi imaju barke i
spremišta za motore vesla i ribolovni alat. Način na
koji se dodjeljuju ti vezovi i spremišta je takav da
ga mogu dobiti samo dugogodišnji članovi društva i
stanovnici mjesta.
Još moj djed a sada i moj otac i ja lovimo tamo ribe
i uživamo u moru i naravno da nas taj vez košta
simboličnu naknadu.
Međutim svi oni koji nisu iz našeg mjesta ili
eventualno okolice tj. već generacijama ne žive
ovdje mogu biti članovi kluba ali po pitanju vezova
i spremišta NEMAJU ŠTO TRAŽIT. Bilo je slučajeva da
su neki ljudi prodavali barke i ustupali vez ali je
klub to na neki način riješio pa se takvima oduzelo
pravo na vez. Čak je i jedan bivši predsjednik kluba
navodno primio i mito da bi dao nekim ljudima vez,
pa su ga kasnije smjenili.
Ne moram niti spominjati da je riva izgrađena još
davno i da je u njenoj izgradnji sudjelovao i moj
djed a i danas kada se nešto radi moj otac a katkad
i ja sudjelujemo u aktivnostima kluba.
Smatram da ne može nitko, ne iz unutrašnjosti već
niti iz bilo koje drugog mjesta na obali zahtijevati
da u lučci dobije mjesto samo zato što bi on to
želio ili platio. Jedini način je da nakon što se
doseli u mjesto (naravno kao stalni stanovnik a ne
po ljeti) i što bude aktivan član kluba više od
desetak godina ako se ukaže koji slobodan vez da ga
i dobije. Naravno da je su svi dobrodošli na
ribarske fešte i slične aktivnosti ALI NA VEZ MOGU
Za mene je to isto kao da ja kažem da želim trčati
sinjsku alku pa dođem u Alkarsko društvo tjedan dana
prije alke i kažem ja bi ove godine trčao alku.
Mislim da bi Sinjani pukli od smijeha. Ili da dođem
u lovačko društvo u npr. Požegu ili Bjelovar i kažem
da želim sutra ustrijeliti jelena kapitalca jer se
to meni hoće.
Na žalost svi vi koji biste sada kada je popularno
imati različite barke, glisere ili jedrilice htjeli
pod svaku cijenu imati vez za male pare na jadranu
da se guštate 15 ili 30 dana po ljeti, moram vam
reći da to neće tako ići. Barem ne legalno i
normalno, osim ako uspijete uhvatiti nekoga kome je
par tisuća eura potrebno, svaka vam čast i tu ja
ništa ne mogu. No da li ste vi iz unutrašnjosti ili
obale nije niti bitno da kontinentalci ne misle da
imam nešto protiv njih jednostavno vez na obali
košta i za vas se nalazi u marini dok po mom
mišljenju domaći ljudi uživaju, i trebaju uživati te
Dok je našeg kluba naš se stav o tome sigurno neće
promjeniti ma šta u hrvatskim zakonima o tome


big six
Registrirani korisnik
Registracija: Jun 2009.
Lokacija: zg

Slučajno sam na ovom forumu i ovaj mi se topik
učinio zanimljivim al mi se sad okreće želudac. Imam
30 godina i živim u Zagrebu, pohađao sam fakultet
godinama, zajedno s mojim zagrebačkim kolegama.
Način na koji se dodjeljuju besplatni indeksi bi
trebao biti takav da ga mogu dobiti samo
dugogodišnji zagrepčani.

Još moj djed i otac pohađahu fakultete u zagrebu i
uživaše u naobrazbi, i naravno da nas taj fakultet
košta simboličnu naknadu.
Međutim svi oni koji nisu iz zagreba ili eventualno
okolice, tj. već generacijama ne žive u zagrebu mogu
doć u posjetu Zagrebu na par sati, ALI PO PITANJU
je slučajeva da su se pojedini dalmatinci-primorci
uspijevali prošvercat na fakultet. Čak su i poneki
profesori navodno primali mito da bi nekim
dalmatincima-primorcima omogućili upis na fakultet,
ali ti su ukebani u akciji indeks.

Ne moram ni spominjat da je sveučilište u zagrebu
osnovano davno i da je u njegovom osnivanju
sudjelovao i moj prapradjed a i danas kad se nešto
radi moj otac a katkad i ja sudjelujemo u
aktivnostima sveučilišta

Smatram da ne može nitko, ne s mora već niti iz bilo
kojeg drugog mjesta na obali zahtijevati da dobije
besplatno mjesto na fakultetu samo zato što bi on to
želio ili platio. Jedini način je da nakon što se
doseli u zagreb, naravno kao stalni stanovnik a ne
kao studoš-dotepenec u periodu jesen-proljeće, i da
bude veći zagrepčan od bandića. To se mjeri brojem
izgovorenih 'kaj' u minuti. Naravno da su svi
dobrodošli na koncerte u Areni i biciklijadu, ALI NA
Na žalost svi vi koji biste sada kad je popularno
pohađati besplatni fakultet htjeli pod svaku cijenu
imat diplomu da se guštate na burzi, moram vam reći
da to neće tako ići. Barem ne legalno i normalno,
osim ako uspijete uhvatiti siromaka profesora kojem
hitno trebaju euri za ne znam što, svaka vam čast i
ja tu ništa ne mogu.
No da li ste vi iz unutrašnjosti ili obale nije niti
bitno da dalmoši ne misle da imam nešto protiv njih
jednostavno fakultet košta i za vas neka bude 4 soma
eura godišnje dok po mom mišljenju purgeri uživaju,
i trebaju uživati te privilegije.
Dok je nas malograđana, naš se stav o tome sigurno
neće promijeniti ma što u hrvatskim zakonima o tome

Jel se da nekom od forumaša istipkat ovo isto za
bolnice, i za zaposlenja u Zagrebu? Mene već bole
Broj postova : 153
Join date : 2009-05-01
Lokacija : Zagreb

Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Empty Re: Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje...

Wed 07 Oct 2009, 19:47
loool majstor - di je to objavljeno?
Broj postova : 1588
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 49
Lokacija : Koprivnica, Glogovac

Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Empty Re: Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje...

Wed 07 Oct 2009, 22:11
nemam pojma, poslali mi mailom danas, ali mu je jebeno odgovorio, kapu dole, a najtužnije je da nije daleko od istine, ljetos smo imali i mi probleme vezati čamac od frenda, slična argumentacija domačih ljudi

EDIT pronasao original Forum.hr
Broj postova : 153
Join date : 2009-05-01
Lokacija : Zagreb

Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Empty Re: Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje...

Thu 08 Oct 2009, 00:20
E kad su ljudi zadrti...
Broj postova : 6501
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 46

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Thu 08 Oct 2009, 12:47
hehe dobar
Broj postova : 91
Join date : 2009-05-01
Age : 35
Lokacija : čim uđeš pa na lijevo

Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Empty Re: Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje...

Sat 10 Oct 2009, 13:03
Broj postova : 6501
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 46

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Sat 10 Oct 2009, 13:49
Broj postova : 693
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 44
Lokacija : Rakitje

Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Empty Re: Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje...

Sun 11 Oct 2009, 00:36
lool, fakat dobro Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Icon_biggrin
Broj postova : 45
Join date : 2009-04-29
Age : 43
Lokacija : Zagreb

Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Empty Re: Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje...

Sun 11 Oct 2009, 02:54
hahaha brutala Vicovi, šale, glupe ideje... - Page 2 Icon_razz
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